Man's Most Dangerous Myth: the fallacy of race; 6th Edition; Montague, Ashley; 1997  GN280

Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis, 5th. Ed.; del Regato, Jean A.;  1977  RC30
Management Guidelines for Head and Neck Cancer; U.S. Dept. of Health, Ed. and Welfare;  1977  RC
Manual for Staging of Cancer, revised edition; American Joint Committee for Cancer Staging;  1978  RC
Oral and Facial Cancer; Sarnat, Bernard G.; 1950  RC302

General Chemistry for Colleges; 3rd Edition; Busive, Herman T.; 1943 QD200
Organic Chemistry; Meislich, Herbert,; 1977  QD257

A Century of Dentistry 1878-1978;University of Pennsylvania; Asbell, Milton; 1977  RK
Basic Dental Services Review; DeMarco, Thomas J.;  1975 RK (2 copies)
Dental Practice Management: The Teamwork Approach: Ehrlich, Ann B.; 1969  RK
Management of Medical Emergencies by the Dentist; Bessette, Russell W.;  1978  RK
Physical Examination of the Dental Patient;  Halstead, Charles L.;  1982  RK
Review of Head and Neck Inspection and Oral Examination for Dentists; Natiella, Joseph;  1991 RK
The Dentist and Clinical Laboratory Procedures; Sabes, Wm. R.;  1979  RK

    Root Canal Therapy; 3rd Edition; Grossman, Louis I.; 1950  RK200.EN

    Geriatric Dentistry; Franks, A.S.T; 1973  RK300.GE

    Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment of Occlusal Problems, 2nd. Ed.; Dawson, Peter E.;  1989  RK
    Fundamentals of Occlusion and Temporomandibular Disorders; Okeson, Jeffrey P.;  1985  RK
    Occlusion: A Concept for the Clinician; Ross, Ira F.;  1970  RK

    The Art and SCience of Operative Dentistry, Sturdevant, Clifford M.;  1968  RK

    A Manual of Oral Surgery; Archer, W. Harry;  1952  RK
    Oral Surgery, 4th Ed.; Thomas, Kurt H.;  1963  RK
    Principles and Technique of Exodontia; Rounds, Frank W.; 1953  RK600

    Minor tooth Movement in General Practice; Hirschfeld, Leonard;  1960  RK
    Removable Orthodontic Appliances; Graber, T.M.;  1977  RK

    Dentistry for Children, 3rd Ed.; Brauer, John C. et al; 1952  RK800.PE



    X-Rays in Dentistry; Eastman Kodak Company;  1977  RK

    Restorative Dentistry; Schweitzer, Jerome M.;  1947  RK

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Websters Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, 1963  AG

Medical Peer Review: Theory and Practice; Ertel and Aldridge Eds'; 1977  R200
Methods of Clinical Examination: A Physiologic Approach 3rd Edition; Judge, Richard D., et al; 1974  R202

Gynaecological Cytology: Textbook and Atlas; Boon, Mathilde E.;  1980  RG107

A Textbook of Histology, 9th Ed.; Bloom, William;  1968 RC
Adams' Physical Diagnosis, 15th Ed.; Burnside, John W.;  1974 RC
An Atlas of Human Histology, 4th. Ed.; DiFiore, Mariano S. H.;  1974  RC
Atlas of Oral Histology and Embryology, Bevelander, Gernt;  1967 RC
Basic Histology, 2nd Ed.; Junqueira, L.C.;  1977  RC
Clinical Methods: The Histology, Physical and Laboratory Examinations, Vol.1; Walker, H. Kenneth; 1976  RC
Clinical Methods: The Histology, Physical and Laboratory Examinations, Vol.2; Walker, H. Kenneth; 1976  RC
Fundamentals of Oral Histology and Embrylogy; Provenza, D. Vincent; 1972  RC
Histology, 7th Ed.; Ham, Arthur W.;  1974  RC
Histology: Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology and Microscopic Anatomy, 2nd. Ed.; Hammerson, F. 1980  RC200
Histology: Laboratory Manual; UB School of Dental Medicine Supplement; 1981  RC
Orphan's Oral Histology and Embryology, 8th Ed.; Bhaskar, S.N.;  1976  RC
Physical Diagnosis: The Histology and Examination of the Patient, 5th Ed.; Prior, John A.; 1977  RC202
The Oral Manifestations of Systemic Disease, Shklar, Gerald;  1976  RC

Evolution of Facial Musculature and Facial Expression; Huber, Ernest;  1931  QM
Fine Structures of cells and Tissues, 4th. Ed.; Porter, Keith R.;  1973  QM

Immunology, 3rd Ed.; A Scope Monograph;Guttmann, Ronald D.;  1975 QR

A Color Atlas of Infectious Diseases; Edmond, R.T.D;  1974 RC
Facial Pain, 2nd. Ed.; Ailling III, Charles C.; 1977  RC
Oral and Personal Ulcerations: Cause and Control-Emphasis on Herpes Simplex Virus;Rowe, Nathaniel;  1974  RC
Oral Medicine: A Clinical Approach with Basic Science Correlation, 2nd. Ed.;Scopp, Irwin W.; 1973  RC30
The Organ in Shock / A Scope Publication; Thompson, W. Leigh;  1977  RC

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Microbiology, 2nd Ed.;  Bernard, D. Davis;  1973  QR

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Fairbanks, David N.F.;  1987  RF484.S66

Clinical Outline of Oral Pathology; Diagnosis and Treatment; Eversole, Lewis R.;  1978  RC
Color Atlas of General Pathology; Gresham, G. Austin;  1971 RB
Diseases of The Salivary Glands; Rankow and Polayes; 1976  RB200
Histopathology of The Skin; Levere, Walter F.;  1975  RB
Oral Pathology Lab Manual; UB School of Dental Medicine;  1967 RB
Pathology, 7th, Ed.; Vol. 2; Anderson, W.A.D; 1977  RB
Pathophysiology of Blood; Erslev, Allan J.;  1975  RB
The Histopathology of Lymphomas and Pseudolymphomas; Jackson, J.R.; 1979  RB210


Atlas of Descriptive Embryology, 2nd. Ed.; Mathews, Willis W.;  1976  QP
Atlas of Oral Cytology; Public Health Service Publication No. 1949; Medlak, Herman;  1970  QP
Inflammation / A Scope Publication; Ryan, Graeme B.;  1977 QP (2 copies)
Introduction to Hematology; Rapaport, Samuel I.;  1970  QP
Oral Embryology and Microscopic Anatomy, 4th Ed.; Permar, Dorothy; 1967  QP200
Physiology: A Regulatory Systems Approach; Strand, Fleur L.;  1978  QP

Cognitive Psychology, 2nd Ed.; Solso, Robert L.;  1988  BF311.S653

Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura, Albert;  1986  HM251.B433

Statistical Principles in Experimental Design, 2nd Ed.; Winer, B.J.;  1971  HA

An Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery, 2nd Ed., Vol.1; Lore, John M.;  1973  RD

Accepted Dental Therapeutics, 36th Ed.; American Dental Association; 1975  RM200
Accepted Dental Therapeutics, 38th Ed.; American Dental Association; 1979  RM208
Cancer Chemotherapy Handbook; Door, Robert T. ; 1980  RM210
Clinical Pharmacology in Dental Practice; Holroyd, Sam V.; 1974 RM220
Fundamentals of Cancer Chemotherapy; Cridland, Marion; 1978  RM230

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