The Rose Garden

Rainbow colored moving line


Picture Mishka was born in a field behind a Ponderosa Steak House. She was discovered while attempting to find a white kitten we had seen wandering near traffic on our busiest main street. She spent her first few months of life living off the scraps from the steak house dumpster.

As winter drew closer during the next few weeks of daily feedings, we decided to rescue her with a humane trap. She was so frightened that she literally climbed the walls of her first home. Many months of patient socialization, grooming, feeding, and love finally paid off. Mishka's coloring and coat resemble a miniature Maine Coon, although her parentage is unknown. Even now she is small, weighing well under 10 pounds.

Her favorite activity is to pretend to grudgingly submit to a long session of grooming with her favorite wire brush. Mishka is now one of the most loving members of our family, a testament to the results patience and love can bring.

Rainbow colored moving line

Comments to Pamela M. Rose
Revised 3/18/99