Paul's website

Mi Familia

Biography: My name is Paul Adel Owusu. I was originally born in Italy, however, I lived in Ghana for almost my whole life. I was sent to Ghana when I was still an infant so the answer is NO, I DO NOT speak Italian.
My interest are (art), I love to draw, I believe it is one of my God-giving talents These are some of my artwork so far:
Jack Sparrow
A Rose
Incomplete President Obama

So those are a few of my examples, if any is interest in my drawings, they can email me at I study at University at Buffalo, I am currently a mechanical engineer major. I choose University at Buffalo it is one of the top schools for Architecture because my major was first Architecture but I changed it to Mechanical Engineer because I thought that was path. I felt like it is a better option than Architecture. However, to find more about the school, visit their website: