University at Buffalo - MGS 351 A12 - Group 1- Cecilia Simon

The Hamilton Project

Spring 2013

Alexander Hamilton Elementary School - Student Test Performance Database

Group Members:

    Muzna Ahmed E-mail me!
    Collin Ellis E-mail me!
    Mychal Ostuni E-mail me!
    Jonathan Skowron E-mail me!
    Zakiyyah Wilbert E-mail me!

User Database

At Alexander Hamilton Elementary School in Buffalo, the system of recording, monitoring, and evaluating student performance on standardized tests was very tedious and time consuming. Enormous Excel speadsheets stored all the data and inputting new data was hectic. As a result, year end reports were complied by manual searches for specific data in numerous Excel sheets for every class and grade.

To enhance this important process, we have come up with a unique database to input student data quickly, track their performance more easily, and generate more informative reports. Our database will allow teachers at Hamilton to make more infomed decisions on future educational policies and procedures to strengthen the student learning experience.

Presentation Here

WriteUp Here

Database w/ Navigation Here


Meeting Expectations

  1. Writeup
  2. Website
  3. Menu
  4. Tables
  5. Forms
  6. Report
  7. Professionalism

Going Above and Beyond

  1. Switchboard
  2. Macros
  3. Website
  4. Reports
  5. Forms/ Subforms/ Navigation form
  6. Queries
  7. Tables
  8. PowerPoint Presentation

Details Here!! AboveAndBeyond

School of Management