Business Spanish

Espaņol 323 (052524) otoño del 2003


Description | Requirements | Grade distribution | Course objectives | Research project


The emphasis of this course is on the acquisition of Spanish vocabulary for the business world. Some attention will be given to practical situations such as the composition of business letters, invoices, tax forms, etc. Business practices and customs will be discussed, as well as short readings on financial subjects. In addition to written exercises and examinations, students will be expected to develop short oral presentations individually or in groups. Students will write a final research paper. Course will be taught in Spanish.


1. Attendance: 2 free absences (oral grade lowered after 3rd).
2. Oral participation: students must be prepared for each class and must participate actively to receive a good oral grade.
a. Three oral presentations:

1. Sept. (description of business and/or company)
2. Oct. (advertisement)
3. Nov. (selling your product/idea to the class or convincing a bank or investors to give you additional financial support, i.e. explain why is your company so good that it deserves to grow)

3. Three exams: I, Oct. 2; II, Nov. 4; III, Dec. 4.
a. Each exam will cover material in previous studied chapters.

4. Homework: Students must prepare all the material in each chapter and be ready to hand in the "Actividades" of the chapter at the beginning of class.

5. Research project: due Dec. 12, 2003. (5-7 pages, typed double-space, 1-inch margins, bibliography) (see topics, below)

Grade distribution

Exams - 45%
Homework (Actividades) - 15%
Oral Presentations and Participation - 30%
Research project - 10%

Course objectives

1. To provide terminology that students will find useful in the business world, and thus increase vocabulary.

2. To provide practical situations which which give students the opportunity to put to practice their Spanish oral and aural skills.

3. To allow room for creativity through projects related to the business world. Students will get to choose their own businesses, and design business cards, advertisements, letters, etc. for their companies.

*NOTE*: There is no extra credit available in this course.


Research project

Posibles temas:

1. el comportamiento humano en cuanto a las decisiones involucradas en la compra de algún objeto

2. estructuras jerárquicas en una determinada compañía

3. responsabilidades sociales, éticas y morales de una empresa

a. respeto hacia los empleados
b. respeto hacia la sociedad y el medio ambiente

4. el papel que desempeña la mujer en los negocios en determinado país

5. el Tratado del Libre Comercio - pros y contras

6. la cultura del mundo de los negocios

7. la comunidad europea

8. economía global o las transnacionales

Introducción | Bienvenidos | Programa de estudios | Diccionario