Español 225 - otoño 2005

Professor Margarita Vargas



Class requirements:

1. Attendance: 2 free absences (oral grade lowered after 3rd)

2. Oral participation: students must be prepared for each class and must participate actively to receive good oral grade.

3. Three exams: I, September 29; II November 10; III, December 8

a. Each exam will constitute material in previous assignments up to the last exam.
b. Grammar 60%, play content 40%

4. In class writing assignments. Topics will derive from the "temas" section at the end of each play.

Grade distribution:

Class participation and Homework: 20%
In class writing assignments: 20%
Exams: 60%

+'s and -'s will be assigned.

*NOTE*: There is no extra credit available in this course.

Course objectives:

1. To review some of the most difficult grammatical points through the reading and analysis of 20th-century Spanish American plays.
2. To give students the opportunity to use their oral and written abilities in Spanish and to further develop their analytical skills.