Spanish American Novel 411

Primavera del 2004

Course objectives

1. To provide students the literary strategies necessary to read novels.

2. To read five Spanish-American novels of the late19th and early 20th centuries that reflect the patriotic history of their particular countries and which contribute to the concept of the creation of nations.

3. To give students opportunities to use their oral and written abilities in Spanish and to further develop their analytical skills.

Class requirements

1. Attendance: 3 free absences (oral grade lowered after 4th)

2. Oral participation: students must be prepared for each class and must participate actively to receive good oral grades.

3. Two exams: I, March 3, 2004 and II, April 26, 2004.

a. Each exam will constitute material in previous lessons up to the exam.

4. Three 4-6 page papers: due Feb. 18; April 7; and during the week of finals, no later than May 5.

Papers can be on novels read in class, but topics should be discussed with professor in advance. I do not want a summary of what was have discussed in class.

Grade distribution
Papers, 15% each; Exams 20% each; and Class participation: 15% (students will be asked to provide summaries of chapters and occasionally lead class discussion)
+'s and -'s will be assigned