87.           Security Analysis Of Internet Technology Components Enabling Information Systems Sharing In A Globally Distributed Workplace (M. Gupta, S. Bannerjee, M. Agrawal, H.R.Rao), accepted (subject to minor revision) in ACM Transactions on Internet Technology forthcoming May 2008, volume 8, number 2.

86.           Role of Word of Mouth in Online Store Loyalty (D. Gauri, A. Bhatnagar and H. R.Rao) forthcoming in Communications of the ACM, 2007.

85.           An Exploration of Coordination in Emergency Response Management (Rui Chen, R. Sharman, H. R. Rao, S. Upadhyaya), accepted (subject to minor revision) in Communications of the ACM, 2007.

84.           An Empirical Exploration Of The Design Pattern Of Phishing Attacks (Jingguo Wang, Rui Chen, Tejaswini Herath, H. Raghav Rao)  accepted (subject to minor revision)  in IEEE Security and Privacy, 2007.

83.          The Effect of Spam and Privacy Concerns on Email Users’ Behavior (Insu Park, R. Sharman, H. R.Rao, S. Upadhyaya) forthcoming in Journal of Information System Security, 2007.

82.        Short Term and Total Life Impact Analysis of Email Worms in Computer Systems (Insu Park, R. Sharman, H. R. Rao and S. Upadhyaya) Decision Support Systems (in press 2007)

81.          “Market reactions to e-business outsourcing announcements: An event study” (M. Agrawal, R. Kishore, H. R. Rao) Information and Management, forthcoming 2007.

 -80.           “Self-Healing Systems, Survey and Synthesis” (D. Ghosh, R. Sharman, H. R. Rao and S. Upadhyaya) Decision Support Systems, in press,  2007.

79.           “Repeated Use of e-Gov websites: A Satisfaction and Confidentiality Perspective” (S. Chai, T.C Herath, Insu Park, H.R. Rao) International Journal of Electronic Government Research, Volume 2, Number 3, pp 1-23, July  - September  2006.

78.           “Role of Perceived Importance of Information Security: An Exploratory Study of Middle School Children’s Information Security Behavior” (S. Chai, S. Bagchi-Sen, C. Morrell, H. R. Rao, S.Upadhyaya) Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Vol.3, 2006 p. 127-135.

77.           “Secure Knowledge Management – An Introduction” (by H..R. Rao and S. Upadhyaya) IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, May 2006.

76.           “Secure Knowledge Management – A Delphi Study” (by Insu Park, J.K. Lee, H R. Rao and S. Upadhyaya)  in IEEE Transactions in Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006.

75.           An investigation of factors that influence the longevity of IS outsourcing relationships” (by J. Goo, R. Kishore, K. Nam, Y. Song and H. R. Rao)  in Decision Support Systems, 2006

74.           “Secure Knowledge Management and the Semantic Web” (by J. K. Lee, S. Upadhyaya, H. R. Rao and R. Sharman) Communications of the ACM, December 2005, pp 48-55.

73.           “Managing Outsourcing Data Security Risks for Financial Institutions” (by S. Banerjee and H. R. Rao) Financial Services Outsourcing, Fall 2005.pp 16-22

72.           “Private Transactions in Public Places: An Exploration of the Impact of The Computer Environment on Public Transactional Website Use”  (by A. D. Rensel, J. M. Abbas, H. R. Rao) , Journal of AIS, 2006.

71.           “Perceived Risks, Counter-Beliefs, and Intentions to Use Anti-/Counter-Terrorism Websites: An Exploratory Study of Government-Citizens Online Interactions in a Turbulent Environment” (forthcoming) (by J.K. Lee and H. R. Rao)  Decision Support Systems, 2006.

70.           "A Parallel Hypercube Algorithm for  Discrete Resource Allocation", (by B. M. Shao and H. R. Rao)   IEEE SMC (Part A), 2005.

69.           Knowledge Acquisition via Three Learning Processes in Enterprise Information Portals: Learning-by-Investment, Learning-by-Doing, and Learning-from-Others (C. Ryu, Y. J. Kim, A. Chaudhury, H. R. Rao) in MIS Quarterly, 2005.

68.       "Towards an Integration of Agent and Activity-Centric Approaches in Organization Process Modeling: Incorporating Incentive Mechanisms" (T. S. Raghu, Bharat Jayaraman, H. R. Rao) Information Systems Research, December 2004.

 67.    "Gender Divide in the Use of the Internet Applications," (S. Bannerji, H. Kang, S. Bagchi-Sen, H. R. Rao) in second issue of the International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 2005.

 -66.       “Internet Skeptics: An Analysis of Intermittent Users and Net-Dropouts” by H. Kang, S. Bachi-Sen,  H. R. Rao and S. Bannerjee, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine  (forthcoming 2005)

 65.          Information Assurance in B2C Websites for Information Goods/Services (D. J. Kim, N. Sivasailam, H. R. Rao)  in Electronic Markets, 2004.

64.          Determinants of Sourcing During Technology Growth And Maturity: An Empirical Study Of E-Commerce Sourcing (by R. Kishore, M. Agrawal and H. R. Rao) forthcoming in Journal of MIS, 2004.

63.          A multidimensional trust formation model in B-to-C e-commerce: A conceptual framework and content analyses of academia/ practitioner perspectives (by  Dan J. Kim, Yong I. Song, S.B. Braynov, H.R. Rao) in Decision Support Systems, 2004.

 62.  “Bringing E-Government into the classroom: A case of E-Commerce education,” (by Y.I. Song, H. R. Rao and S. Braynov) in the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), 2004 .

61. “The Logistics of Going Offshore: A checklist for successfully avoiding the pitfalls of working with a far away development team” (by S. Bannerjee, M. Agrawal, H. R. Rao) Financial Services Outsourcing, Vol 1, Number 1, January 2004.

60.  "Transaction and Workflow Analysis of Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Systems – An Information Assurance Perspective" (by G. Tanna, M. Gupta, H. R. Rao and S. Upadhyaya Decision Support Systems,

59.  E-Health and Assurance: Curing Hospital Web Sites" (by E. Randeree and H. R. Rao),  in International Journal of Electronic Healthcare (IJEH) 2004

58.  “Electronic Banking and Information Assurance: An Survey and Synthesis” (by M. Gupta, H. R. Rao , S. Upadhyaya”  in the  Special Edition of the Journal of End User Computing (JEUC), 2004.

57.  “Antecendents of ASP Adoption in Healthcare" (by E. Randeree, S. Judd, R. Kishore, H. R.Rao )  in Journal of Healthcare Information Management, Fall 2003.

55. "Relative Performance of Incentive Mechanisms: Computational Modeling and Simulation of Delegated Investment Decisions." (By T. S. Raghu, P.K. Sen and H. R. Rao) Management Science, Feb 2003

54. An Investigation of   Consumer-Perceived Risk on  Electronic Commerce Transactions: The Role of   Institutional Trust and Economic  Incentive in a Social Exchange  Framework (A. F. Salam, H. R. Rao and C. C. Pegels) Communications of the ACM, December 2003.

53.A Longitudinal Study of Information Technology and Systems (ITS) Outsourcing Relationships (R. Kishore, H. R. Rao, K. Nam, S. Rajagopalan, A. Chaudhury) forthcoming in Communications of the ACM, 2002December 2003.

52. "What Companies Are(n't) Doing about Web Site Assurance", (N. Sivasailam, D.J. Kim, and H.R. Rao)IEEE ITPro, May- June 2002. (Quoted in Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, NY July 6, 2002; Associated Press News Release, July 17, 2002; Washington Post, July 17, 2002, Buffalo News, July 21, 2002, Houston Chronicle, July 20, 2002, Canadian NewsWire, July 19, 2002 )

51. "A Framework for the Comparison of Business-to-Business E-Service Solutions" (by Dan Jong Kim, Manish Agrawal, Bharat Jayaraman* and H. Raghav Rao) Communications of the ACM, December 2003.

50."A Knowledge Management Perspective to Evaluation of Enterprise Information Portals" (by Y. J. Kim, A. Chaudhury, H. R. Rao)Journal of Knowledge and Process Management (April-June 2002).

-49 "Impact of Mobile Computing Terminals in Police Work" (by M. Agrawal, H. R. Rao and G. L. Sanders) Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Volume 13, Number 2, 2003

48. Dynamic Profiling of Consumers for Customized Offerings over the Internet: A Model and Analysis (by T. S. Raghu ,P. K. Kannan, H. R. Rao, A. B. Whinston)  Decision Support Systems, December, 2001.

47. "Three Approaches to the Information Acquisition Process for Discrete Resource Allocation : Merging, Ranking and Entropy" (by B. M. Shao and H. R. Rao)  IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, May, 2001.

-46. "Web Channels and Electronic Commerce" (by A. Chaudhury, D. Mallick and H. Raghav Rao) Communications of the ACM, January 2001.

45. "E-commerce technologies and Information Systems Curricula" (by A. Chaudhury and H. R. Rao), Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol 11 (1-2) Winter-Spring 2000.

44. "An empirical investigation into the validity of transitivity and non satiety assumptions in partial order structures" (by S. Misra, H. R. Rao and S. Divakar) IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Vol 30, Number 6, November 2000.

43. "Information Systems Frontiers: Potentials, Barriers and Opportunities" (by J. Chandra, S. March, S. Mukherjee, W. Pape, R. Ramesh, H. R. Rao and R. Waddoups) , January Communications of the ACM, 2000.

-42. "On Risk, Convenience and Internet Shopping Behavior", (by A. Bhatnagar, S. Misra and H. R. Rao) forthcoming, in Communications of the ACM, 2000, November 2000.

41. "Business Process Change: A Coordination Mechanism Approach" (by T. S. Raghu, A. Chaudhury and H. R. Rao) in Knowledge and Process Management, John Wiley, 1998.

40. "Information Content of Corporate Web Pages as Advertising Media: Are Corporations Effectively Informing Consumers?" (A Note) (by A. F. Salam, H.R. Rao, C. C. Pegels)Communications of the ACM, March 1998) (quoted in Arthur Andersen's Knowledge Space: 06/25/98 in an article by Marianthi N. Contos, "Marketing Thursday: Making your Web Site a Draw"; also quoted in a piece aired on National Public Radio (WBFO) July 10, 1998 at 8.00 a.m; Industry Week, July 17, 1998, Managed Healthcare News, September 15, 1998, Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal, August 25, 1998; ComputerWorld,Oct 1998; Working Woman , November 1998, Reporter June 30, 1998)

-39. "Marketing and the Internet: An Introduction" (by H.R.Rao, A.F. Salam and B. DosSantos)Communications of the ACM, March 1998.

38. "Introducing Client/Server Technologies in Information systems Curricula" (by A. Chaudhury and H. Raghav Rao)Database, Winter, 1997.

-37. "An Analysis of Information Gathering Strategies for Multi-Agent Discrete Resource Allocation" (by J. C. Moore, H. Raghav Rao and A. B. Whinston, K. Nam and T. S. Raghu) Information Systems Research, Vol 8, No 2, June, 1997 pg 151-171.

36. "A Comparison of Three Information Gathering Strategies in DAI Systems under Noisy Conditions" (by H. R. Rao, J. C. Moore , K. Nam, T. S. Raghu, and A. Whinston)  Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 11, No 4, pp 489-505, 1996. (An earlier version of the paper was selected to be among the twenty best papers at the Third World Congress on Expert Systems, Seoul, Korea, February 1996).

35. "Experimental Strategies for Preference Information Acquisition: A Lattice Path Treatment" (by J. C. Moore, H. Raghav Rao, A. B. Whinston) Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol 6, pg 139-158, 1996.

34. "Information Systems Outsourcing: A Two Level Investigation of the Determinants (by K. Nam, S. Rajagopalan, H. R. Rao and A. Chaudhury)  Communications of the ACM, Vol 39, July 1996.

33. "Information Systems Outsourcing: Introduction" (by H. R. Rao, K. Nam and A. Chaudhury)  Communications of the ACM, Vol 39, July 1996.

-32. "Information Processing for a Finite Resource Allocation Mechanism" (by J. C. Moore, H. R. Rao and A. B. Whinston)Economic Theory, Vol 8, pg 267-290, 1996.

31. "A Mixed Integer Model of Bidding Strategies for Outsourcing" (by K. Nam, A. Chaudhury and H. Raghav Rao) in the European Journal of Operational Research, 1995.

30. "Modeling Team Processes: Issues and a Specific Example", (by H. Raghav Rao and A. Chaudhury with M. Chakka) Information Systems Research, Vol 6, Number 3, pg 255-285, 1995.

29. "The Impact of EDI Implementation Capability and Implementation Success on Competitive Advantage and Firm Performance", (by H. Raghav Rao, C.C. Pegels, F. Salam and K. Hwang)  Journal of Information Systems (U.K.), 1995.

28. "The Effect of Team Composition on Decision Scheme, Information Search and Perceived Complexity" (by H. Raghav Rao, J. An)  Journal of Organizational Computing, 1995.

-27. "Management of Outsourcing a Bidding Perspective" (by A. Chaudhury, K. Nam and H. R. Rao)  Journal of MIS, Vol 12, No 2, Fall 1995. pg 131-159.

26. "Multi-Agent Resource Allocation: An Incomplete Information Perspective", (by J. C. Moore, H. Raghav Rao and A. B. Whinston)IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics, August 1994.

25. "Two Schemes for Information Acquisition: An Entropic Assessment" (by H. Raghav Rao) Automatica, Vol 30, No 5, 1994.

24. "Software Reuse: Issues and an Example" (by M. Ramesh and H. Raghav Rao) Decision Support Systems, 12, 1994.

23. "Synthesizing Expert Systems and Operations Research Techniques: System Classifcation and Review", (by H. Raghav Rao, B. P. Lingaraj and M. Rao) Australian Journal of Information Systems, 1994.

-22. "An Active Intelligent Decision Support System: Architecture and Simulation" (by H. Raghav Rao, R. Sridhar and S. Narain)Decision Support Systems, 12, 1994.

21. "A Hedonic Price Analysis of Workstation Attributes" (by H. Raghav Rao and B. Lynch), Communications of the ACM, December 1993.

20. "A Choice Set-Sensitive Analysis of Information Acquisition for Discrete Resources" (by H. Raghav Rao) IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, October 1993.

19. "Evaluation of Flexible Automation Investments: A Model Management Perspective" (by H. Raghav Rao, B. Sherman and N. Suresh), Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1993.

18. "Management of Information Technology: the Indian Experience" (by P.R. Rau and H. Raghav Rao ) Journal of Information Science and Technology, April 1993.

-17. "Electronic Data Interchange -State of the Art", (by K. Hwang, C. Pegels, H. R. Rao and V. Sethi) Journal of Systems Management, 1993.

16. Hemispheric Specialization, Cognitive Differences and their Implications for Decision Support'", (by H. Raghav Rao, V. S. Jacob, and F. Lin) MIS Quarterly, June 1992.

15. "Technology Transfer: Making Expert Systems Commercially Successful" (by H. Raghav Rao), IEEE Expert, Vol 7, No 2, pg 5-10, April 1992.

14. "A Dynamic Learning Model for Quality Control using the Taguchi Approach", (by H Raghav Rao, M. Thirumurthy and R. Ramesh)Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol 6, pp 457-482, 1992.

13. "A Plant-Wide Information System at an Indian Oil Company", (by P.R. Rau, and V. Shekhar and H. Raghav Rao), Long Range Planning, April 1992.

-12. "Strategic Management of Information Technology: A Review and Some Empirical Observations" (by Vijay Sethi, H. Raghav Rao and Vikram Sethi) in the Journal of Information Technology Management, September 1992.

11. "An Information and Preference Theory Approach to a Discrete Resource Allocation Problem", (by H. Raghav Rao) Automatica, September, 1991.

10. "Higher Dimensional Restricted Lattice Paths with Diagonal Steps", (by S. Kaparthi and H. Raghav Rao), Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol 31, pg 279-289, 1991.

9. "Module Base Design for a Portfolio of Institutional Decision Support Systems", (by R. Pakhat and H. Raghav Rao) Information and Management, 1991.

8. "A Knowledge-Based Approach to CIM Modeling" ( by A. Chaudhury, H. Raghav Rao and S. Kaparthi), Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol 2, pg 223-234 1991.

-7. "The Technology Transfer of Expert Systems", (by H. Raghav Rao) Journal of Information Systems Management, Summer 1991.

6. "Response to 'Comments on An Economic Analysis of Microcomputer Hardware'" (by B. Lynch, H. R. Rao and W. T. Lin), in Communications of the ACM, 1994.

5. "Response to 'Comments on An Economic Analysis of Microcomputer Hardware Characteristics'" (by W. T. Lin, H. Raghav Rao and B. Lynch), Communications of the ACM, Vol 35, No 5, May 1992 pp 18-20.

4. "An Economic Analysis of Microcomputer Hardware Characteristics", (by B. Lynch, H. Raghav Rao and W. T. Lin) Communications of ACM, October, 1990.

3. "A Preference Theory Approach to Decision Analysis for Resource Allocation" (by H. Raghav Rao, J. C. Moore and A. B. Whinston), Computer Science in Economics and Management, Vol 3, No. 3, 1990.

-2. "An Architectural Framework for an Intelligent Decision Support System" (by R. Sridhar, H. Raghav Rao and S. Narain), International Journal of Mini and Microcomputer Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1990.

-1. "Expert Systems in Production/Operations Management: Classification and Prospects" (by H. Raghav Rao and B. P. Lingaraj), Interfaces, Vol. 18, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1988.

Book Chapters

13. Investigation into Factors that Influence theUse of the Web in Knowledge Intensive Environments (by Y. J. Kim, H. R. Rao and A. Chaudhury), in Intelligent Support Systems Technology: Knowledge Management, ed. V. Sugumaran, IRM Press, Hershey, PA, 2002.

12. Impact of Vendor Capabilities on ASP Performance (by Matthew E. Swinarski, Rajiv Kishore, and H. Raghav Rao) in Information Systems Outsourcing in the New Economy, R. Hirschheim, A. Heinzl and J. Dibbern (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2002.

11. Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for Buyer-Supplier Contracts (by S. Shin, R. Ramesh and H. R. Rao) in Business Modelling - Mulitdisciplinary approaches: Economics, Operational and Information Systems Perspectives,editors C. Holsapple, V. Jacob and H. R. Rao, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, 2002.

10. "Electronic Commerce Infrastructure" (by M. Agrawal, J. Chao, K. Nam and H. R. Rao), forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Academic Press, 2001.

9. " Relative Performance of Incentive Mechanisms in Delegated Investments: A Computational Study" (by T. S. Raghu, H. R. Rao and P.K. Sen) in Computational Finance, 1999 MIT Press.

-8. "An Exploratory Investigation of Internet Involvement: Instrument Development, Measurement and Implications for Electronic Commerce" (by A. F. Salam, H. R. Rao and C. Pegels), invited chapter for the Encyclopedia of Electronic Commerce, Springer-Verlag, (eds M.Shaw, R. Blanning and A. B. Whinston), 1999.

7. "Web Browsers", (by H. R. Rao, A.F. Salam and M. Agrawal), invited chapter for 22 Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ed. John Webster, Wiley, 1998.

-6. "Systems Engineering Trends" (by H. R. Rao and S. Park) invited chapter for 22 Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Volume 21, pages 322-339.ed. John Webster, Wiley, 1998.

-5. "Dimensions for Outsourcing: A Transactions Cost Framework", (by K. Nam, A. Chaudhury, S. Rajagopalan and H. R. Rao), in Managing Information Technology with Outsourcing, ed Mehdi Khosrowpour, Idea Group Publishing, PA, 1995.

4. "Technology Transfer: Making Expert Systems Commercially Successful" (by H. Raghav Rao), in Strategic Information Systems by R. Cerveny, C. Pegels and L. Sanders, JAI Press, CT, 1993

-3. "Strategic Management of Information Technology: A Review and Some Empirical Observations" (by Vijay Sethi, H. Raghav Rao and Vikram Sethi) in Strategic Information Systems by R. Cerveny, C. Pegels and L. Sanders, JAI Press, CT, 1993.

-2. "Conceptual Modeling for Computer Integrated Manufacturing" (by A. Chaudhury and H. Raghav Rao) in Expert Systems and Intelligent Manufacturing, M. Oliff, Ed., North-Holland 1988.

-1. "An Expert System for Inventory Models" (by Kar Yan Tam, and H. Raghav Rao), in Some Prototype Examples for Expert Systems (King S. Fu, ed.), TR-EE 86-1, Vol. II, School of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University (1985)
