GEO485/551 "Cartographic and Geographic Visualization" (Spring 2008)



GEO485/551 Cartography and Geographic Visualization


 Kevin Schellinger


Spring 2008



1. Maps of Earthquake Locations in Mexico

The following two thumbnail images show the location of earthquakes in Mexico. Click on each image to see a larger map.

Map 1. The location and magnitude of earthquakes in Mexico. Each red circle is a earthquake and the size represents the magnitude. Each blue dot indicates that the occurence of a tsunami.

Map 2. The location and magnitude of earthquakes and related deaths in Mexico.
Each red circle is a earthquake and the size represents the magnitude. Each black square represents the location and relative number of related deaths.

©2008 (Kevin Schellinger), University at Buffalo
(Last updated: April 24, 2008 EST)