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Well, we figure that if you're going to fly out to the mighty state of Montana, you should at least have a chance to enjoy this glorious paradise. So, for those of you who would like to make a vacation of the trip (our strong suggestion), we've planned a week's worth of festivities including everything from a rodeo with bull riding to fly fishing. Each day, we've scheduled a low- and high-impact activity, depending on your mood, finishing with some sort of communal event where everyone can just relax and hang out. Sunday, September 3
Monday, September 4
Tuesday, September 5
Wednesday, September 6
Thursday, September 7
Friday, September 8
Saturday, September 9 – The Big Day.
Just a note: You can also check out other festivities in Dillon and Beaverhead County ( or their chamber of commerce site), if you like....
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site maintained by keith
last updated 7.09.00