Wireless Intelligent Networking and Security Lab
Department of Electrical Engineering
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Address: 205 Davis Hall, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260 - 1920
Email: jiangqih@buffalo.edu
Biography | Research | Publications | Service | Awards | Links
Feb. 2024: Our work UnionLabs was accepted for demonstration on IEEE INFOCOM, Vancouver, Canada, May 2024. UnionLabas is a platform based on the AWS public cloud for remote access and sharing of NextG and IoT testbeds.
Aug. 2023: Our work "NeXT" was accepted to be published in Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications. NeXT provides an architecture, prototyping and measurement results of a software-defined testing framework for integrated RF network simulation, experimentation and optimization.
Aug. 2023: I presented our poster "NeXT: A Software-Defined Testbed with Integrated Optimization, Simulation, and Experimentation" at the NSF Open AI Cellular Workshop 2023. Delighted to announce that we received the Best Student Poster and Presentation Award at Virginia Tech.
I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical Engineering at The State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo. I received my Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Xidian University in China in 2018 and Bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Dalian Jiaotong University in 2016 in China. I am currently working under the supervision of my advisor Dr. Zhangyu Guan, in Wireless Intelligent Networking and Security (WINGS) Lab at SUNY Buffalo, with research interests in software defined networking, new spectrum technologies and reinforcement learning. I worked as an Advanced Sensing Devices BL Intern at Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ from June 2022 to August 2022.
New Spectrum Technologies: Spectrum Coexistence, Drone Networks
Testbed for Future Networks: UB NeXT (Extendable Network Optimization, Emulation and Deployment System)