Introduction To Java - MFC 158 G

Week 5 Lecture notes - Fall 2000


Chapter 4 / 5 - Control Structures - MFC 158 (1 of 4)

I.        Algorithm

A.      Procedure to for solving a problem in terms of

1.                   Actions to be executed to solve a problem

2.                   The order in which they are executed (out of bed, get dressed, eat breakfast, go to work, etc.)

B.      Pseudocode

1.                   An artificial and informal language for developing algorithms

2.                   Allows thinking of the problem, without regard to the particular language

C.      Flowchart

1.                   Graphical representation of an algorithm (or portion of an algorithm).

2.                   Drawn with special-purpose symbols (circles, rectangles, diamonds, etc.)

D.      Get a thorough understanding of a problem before writing a program (save time later)

1.                   Sketch out the problem

2.                   Create pseudocode

3.                   Use of flow charts or other graphical representations (sketches)

II.      Control Structures       

A.      Sequential - one statement following another statement

B.      Selection - conditionally executing code based upon a condition (if statements, switch statements)

C.      Repetition - iterate through a section of code until a particular condition exists (while, do/while and for)

D.      There is no GOTO statement in Java

III.      The if Selection Structure

If (studentGrade >= 60)



If (studentGrade >= 60)





The conditional operator (?  :) - ternary operator (3 operands)

System.out.println(studentGrade >= 60 ? "passed" : "failed" );


Nested structures

If (condition-1)



if (condition-2)





If (X > 5)                  // 1. useful where 3 actions are required based upon conditions //

   If (Y > 5)               // 2. may want to consider the use of braces after (if x > 5) //

       System.out.println("x and y are > 5);


       System.out.println("x > 5 and y <= 5");


   System.out.println("x <= 5 and y <= 5");


-          To include several statements in a body of the (if) or (else), use brackets {    }

       If ( x < y)  {action1; action2; action3;}  else {action4; action5; action6;}


IV.    The while repetition structure - specifies an action to repeat while a condition is true

int product = 2;

while (product <= 1000)  // find the first power of 2 greater than 1000


     product = 2 * product;  // any number of statements between the braces



Sentinel values - allow a variable number of times to run during runtime (user enter -1)

while ( gradeValue != -1 ) {

         // add gradeValue to total

         total = total + gradeValue;


         // add 1 to gradeCounter

         gradeCounter = gradeCounter + 1;


         // prompt for input and read grade from user

         input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

                    "Enter Integer Grade, -1 to Quit:" );


         // convert grade from a String to an integer

         gradeValue = Integer.parseInt( input );



V.      Assignment operators - abbreviated types

c = c + 3;   à  c + = 3;


Any statement of the form:

 variable  =  variable operator expression;

can be written in the form:

             variable  operator=  expression


   (using the binary operators +, -, *, / or %)


See table in figure 4.12 on pg 141 for detailed description


VI.    Increment and decrement operators (Unary operators)

A.       (c++)   à   c = c + 1   à   c+= 1 (use value, then increment)

B.      (++c) (increment, then use the value)

C.      (c--) (use value, then decrement)

D.      (--c) (decrement, then use value)


Refer to page 142 for example usage


VII.  Primitive data types - the building blocks for more complex types

A.      Java is a strongly type language - all variables must have a type before use

B.      Primitive types are portable in all platforms that support Java


Refer to page 144 (figure 4.16)  for detailed table of primitives






VIII.             The for repetition structure - handles details of counter-controlled repetition

For (some initial value; loop continuation condition; increment of control variable)

For (int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++)

            System.out.println("The value is: " + counter);


In many cases the FOR structure and WHILE structure are interchangable


            for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)  // count from 1 to 100

            for (int i = 100; I >= 1; I--)   // count from 100 backward to 1


Further examples are on page 165


Cowboy code comment:  "the 3 expressions in the FOR loop are optional"

            - may initialize elsewhere, - may increment elsewhere


IX.    The switch multiple-selection structure - useful where an algorithm needs to contain a series of decisions in which a variable is tested separately for each distinct value


switch( choice ) {

            case 1:

               System.out.println("you selected number 1");


            case 2:

 System.out.println("you selected number 2");


            case 3:

              System.out.println("you selected number 3");



               System.out.println("you selected an invalid number");

} // end switch


-          the break statement causes control to proceed to the first statement after the switch structure

-          If no break statement exists, then each time a match is found, then all the other remaining cases will also be executed

-          Each case can have multiple actions (no braces required for this structure)

-          If there is no default case and a case does not exist for a given condition, nothing will happen

-          Can only use integer type values in case (no relational, such as >,  <, etc)


X.      The do/while structure - similar to while, except always executes at least once

      Do {



      }  While ( condition );













XI.    The break and continue statements

-          they alter the flow of control

-          if break is executed in a while, for, do/while or switch structure, causes exit from the structure


for ( count = 1; count <= 10; count++ ) {

         if ( count == 5 )

            break;  // break loop only if count == 5


         output += count + " ";


-          continue (used in while) skips the remaining  statements in the body of the structure and continues with the next iteration of the loop (loop-continuation test evaluated immediately)

-          continue (used in for) proceeds to next iteration, but increments before loop-continue test


XII.  Logical Operators (AND / OR / NOT)


AND operator

If (genderCode == 1 && age >= 65)

            System.out.println("profile is senior female");  // where gender code of 1 = female


OR operator

If (genderCode == 1 || age >= 65)

            System.out.println("profile is at least - senior or female");  // gender code of 1 = female


NOT operator

If (genderCode != 1)

            System.out.println("not a female");


If ( ! (genderCode == 1)

System.out.println("not a female");



** See truth tables on page 182 and 184


** Review Precedence and associatively operators on page 187