Index of Letters
Letters from Roslyn to Walter Felson sent during World War II
Jan 11, 1944

Hi honey--

Tuesday nite -- Bob Hope--McGee and Molly -- also President Roosevelt.

Marian and Hy went to Columbus, so the girls were here for the afternoon and evening. I really enjoy having them, because all four of the "girls" have lots of fun together. Shirley is still full of mischief and has a swell sense of humor - just like her daddy's. She always has some sort of clever reply, and that cute giggle along with it. She found the "love letter" as she calls it, that you sent her last summer --brot it over to read to me. She said "I wonder if Doc would mind if he knew I was reading this to you? She stressed certain parts of the letter where you mentioned love. She also said "the worst part is, that my daddy opened this letter before I did." She gets all that expression into it with her eyes too.

As for your "prides and joys" -- they are swell--cuter than ever. I would have loved to snap a picture of them this morning when I came upstairs and found them both lying flat on their tummies -- side by side -- Judy painting in her color book, and Lanie writing with chalk on a small blackboard. They were both so engrossed in their masterpieces.

We had a hair--washing session this morning. I decided to wash Judy's and my hair. After I washed Judy's and we had such fund making pigtails -- Elaine decided she wanted her hair washed. I usually wash hers in the tub, because she protests so much and refuses to allow me to rinse it thoroughly. Well, I thought I would give it a trial. So Lanie got on the little bench in the bathroom on bended needs, and we started. It was find when I applied the soap & we made soapsuds and pigtails (little ones) but as soon as I tried to rinse it, did she yell, and bawl. I finally had to use force to finish the job--and we both had to change clothes by the time I was finished. Both of them ended up with beautiful curly hair. Judy's look so golden and shiney. She is really quite vain about her hair. Little "tinky poo" is the vainest thing you've ever seen. I have a fight with her each morning because she refuses to wear overalls or "old dresses"--she wants her "pretty new dress--with pockets -- buttons! She knows most of her colors now--and even goes so far as to dictate what color she wants. What a girl. I just know she must inherit it from her daddy-- from what the family tells me. She's even a "mama's baby" as you were.

Edith sent a card today saying she would come up tomorrow with Hy. It will be nice having some company--but if she thinks I'm waiting on her hand and foot, she's mistaken. She has moved in with Irv and Rosalyn--I'm wondering how it will work out.

She said Stevie is to be operated for his hernia next week, but Ginny isn't very concerned about it. She wouldn't be. If that were me -- I can just imagine! Maybe I'm wrong.

Miriam Urban -- from U.C. is to give a lecture on Russia at the methodist Church tomorrow. I would like to hear her - if I can get someone to stay with the kids.

The preacher (Richards) got himself in hot water last night. He gave a talk on Juvenile delinquency and condemned on of the songs sung in school as a patriotic song, and evidently caused a lot of resentment. You'll read all about it in the Times. He certainly is an opinionated and outspoken individual. He is greatly disliked from what I understand.

I'm still searching for some word from you. I'll be so happy when I receive a letter and learn a little more about you. This not knowing where, or when, or how, is so horrible. Even when I do receive a letter, then I'll always be wondering what has happened since the letter was written. Oh me -- I'm afraid I've become a chronic worrier. Nevertheless, I don't believe I would be human if I didn't go thru these emotions at such times as these.

Think I'll stop now--so that I can read Sundays, Monday's and Tuesday's papers. I'm such a busy woman -- doing what? and for what? I don't know?

I'm thinking of you constantly dearest, and only hoping and praying for your speedy and safe return.

All my love sweets --



Copyright © 2001 by Judith Felson Duchan
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Please send comments or corrections to duchan@acsu.buffalo.edu