The questions below correspond with the SPSS .sav file called BARGAIN.SAV. The data concern a simulation involving two attorneys negotiating an out-of-court settlement in a personal injury case. The unit of analysis is the dyad, and the variables have the following meanings: ID dyad identification number JA Joint Authority; how much latitude was given to the attorneys by their clients (1 = both attorneys have low authority; 2 = both high) BR Bargaining Range; how far apart the attorneys were when they started (1=low; 2=med; 3 = hi) DEAD Deadlock (1 = settlement reached; 2 = deadlock) Q6-Q14 Various questionnaire measures Settle Settlement value in thousands of dollars Load the data into SPSS and run whatever analyses you need to in order to answer the following questions. 1. OF THOSE DYADS WHO SETTLED, how did bargaining range and joint authority affect the final settlement value? (Hint: Create a new variable, NEWSETT, that contains the settlement value for those dyads NOT deadlocking. Use a COMPUTE statement to set NEWSETT = SETTLE, but do so only for those dyads in which DEAD = 1.) 2. Q11 represents the dyads satisfaction with the outcome (higher numbers mean more satisfaction) and Q10 is the bargainers' views of their clients (higher numbers mean more competitiveness). FOR ALL DYADS, how did settlement value and client competitiveness affect the bargainers' satisfaction? (You may treat Q10 and Q11 as interval level variables.) 3. What is the influence of joint authority and bargaining range on the frequency of deadlocking?