Suppose that the Buffalo BrewPub wants to improve it's beer. The brewery is interested in the way that different varieties of hops and different bottling techniques influence the bitterness of the beer and, ultimately, it's drinkability. In order to examine these issues, the brewery brews 40 bottles of beer, differing in only the following manner. First, half of the bottles are green and half are brown. Furthermore, in the green bottles, half are flavored with Cascade hops and half with Bullion hops. A similar 50-50 flavoring was done with the brown bottles. After bottling, the bitterness of each bottle is measured in IBUs, which stands for International Bittering Units--the higher the IBU, the more bitter the beer. Also, a small portion of each bottle is consumed and rated for overall drinkability using QBUs (Quality Brew Units). Finally, the bottles are exposed to ultraviolet light, to simu- late storage on a grocery store shelf. Ultraviolet light is known to cause a distasteful "skunky" flavor, which the brewer hopes the bottles will prevent. After exposure, the beers are tasted again, and it is noted whether or not they are skunky. The data file you will receive contains data relevant to the above situation. You may assume that IBUs and QBUs are interval-level variables. The format of the file is as follows: Column Variable Comment 1-2 Bottle ID 3 Hop Variety 1 = Cascades; 2 = Bullions 4 Bottle 1 = green; 2 = brown 5 Skunkiness 1 = yes; 2 = no 7-8 Bitterness measured in IBUs 10-14 Drinkability measured in Quality Units Answer the following questions: 1. What effect does hop variety and bottle color have on bitterness? (Be sure to check residuals and homogeneity of variance.) 2. Generate a scatterplot showing how bitterness affects drinkability. Use a regression routine to analyze the quantitative effects of bitterness on drinkability. Be sure to check the residuals. (Hint #1: Examine a scatterplot. Hint #2: Recall that a parabola is a second degree polynomial. Hint #3: Come up with a transformation that linearizes the hypothesized model.) 3. How do hop variety and bottle color contribute to the skunkiness caused by ultraviolet light? Give complete answers to the above questions, pointing to relevant parts of your output.