Accessible Design in Public Housing: NYCHA Staff Training Program

Version 4.0 July 9, 2001

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© Edward Steinfeld and Danise Levine, 2001
Additional information Path of Travel
Curb Ramps
Section 4.7.1

Figure 1

Is there a curb ramp whenever an accessible pathway meets a curb?

Section 4.7.2
Curb ramp
Figure 2

Is the slope of the curb ramp 1:12 or less?

Figure 3

Is the transition from the curb ramp to the walkway, road or gutter flush and free of abrupt changes?

When steep grades are discovered
on public sidewalks, give careful
attention to paths of travel on the
site because the sidewalk is not
accessible, the accessible path of
travel on the site should not be
indirect or roundabout.

Figure 4

Are the slopes of the road, gutter or accessible route adjoining the ramp no greater than 1:20?


Section 4.7.3

Figure 5

Is the width of the curb ramp, not including the flared sides, at least 36 inches?

Section 4.7.4; 4.5.1

Figure 6

Is the surface of the curb ramp stable, firm and slip-resistant?

Section 4.7.5

At this curb ramp, the planting strip 
restricts walking across the ramp. Flares
are no necessary.

Figure 7

If the curb ramp is located where pedestrians might walk across it and if it is not protected by hand rails does it have flared sides?


Figure 8

Do these flared sides have a slope of 1:10 or less?


Figure 9

If sharp return curb cuts are present, is pedestrian cross traffic prohibited by walls, guardrails, shrubbery, or other elements?

Section 4.7.6

Figure 10

Do built up curb ramps not project into vehicular traffic lanes?

Section 4.7.8

Figure 11

Are curb ramps located or protected so that they will not be obstructed by parked vehicles?

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