Sign Analysis Outline

The outline is a tool to organize information on all aspects of the sign. From the information collected , an analysis of the sign can be constructed through an explanatory narrative. Several subsections of each section may be used to address different aspects of the building (e.g. exterior, interior), different participants (e.g. designer, inhabitant, visitor) or different contexts (e.g. local, regional).


Signifier (Form)

The Lego Playground at Mall of America


Present in the form :

Huge crowds

Multi generational

People from all over the world

Commercial sponsor

Heavy use of logos

Oversized replicas of toys made into playground

Expected but missing traces: Litter from the large crowds

Meaning of the traces: This is a highly controlled environment in which the commercial sponsor has constructed a fantasy playground that attracts attention due to its magical scale. To present an image of high quality and attentiveness to the visitor's comfort, continuous maintenance removes any litter.


Relationship to surroundings: Epicenter of the MOA. A major attraction that creates a focal point in the Mall. Ties environment to the larger context of media and advertisements produced by the sponsor - realization of desire created by advertising.

Formal vocabulary : Hi tech but playful forms. Huge scale of Lego blocks and color create a fantasy setting.

Class of forms to which this belongs: Mall attractions, Playgrounds

Cultural context: Global commercial culture (Lego is Danish company)

Signified (Meaning)

Denotative: Opportunity for children to enjoy the visit to MOA - reduces their resistance to shopping with mom and dad. Also a place where dad can enjoy himself with the kids while mother shops. Other mall visitors can watch the activity and enjoy a respit from arduous shopping activities.

Connotative: Stealth impact - A "fun" place counterbalances and distracts the visitor from the seriousness of the Mall as a selling space.

Codes (complied or violated): Large non-selling space reserved for this attraction seems wasteful and contradictory to the Mall code where everything contributes to profit. Although it looks like it is open to the "public" part of the Mall , users actually have to go through the Lego store to get into it. The exciting attraction draws people to the Mall itself. It also provides opportunities for non-participants to people watch.

Identity (confirmed or contradicted): Confirms the pleasure that people get from shopping and fulfilling their desires. Fulfills the identity of the MOA by providing a unique attraction that makes the MOA special in contrast to other malls.

Change over time - observed or predicted: The attraction is likely changed enough to keep it fresh and attract people back for future visits but stable enough to give returnees the experience they were expecting - establishes a tradition.

Overall Critique

The Lego playground at the MOA is an example of theming in commercial culture. The large over-sized Lego block elements are magical to children who are very familiar with the regular sized toys. This attracts them to the playground although it is really a pretty ordinary play space. The oversized product becomes a theme in itself. It builds on the imaginary play experience we all do as children by letting us actually play within the play buildings.

By using a commercial product itself to create a theme, the signification system is very tightly tied to advertisements for the product. The playground effectively allows kids to play in versions of the toy that they play with at home. This reinforces the power of the Lego as a signifier for imaginary play. Getting kids to play in the toy itself a strong desire is likely created to possess the toy (or more versions of it) and then to use it to imaginatively relive the experience of the playground at MOA. It also may motivate participants to visit Legoland, an even larger example of a Lego themed environment.

This tight connection between play product and play environment presents a contradictory message at a higher level of meaning. The playground can be viewed as a powerful mechanism to blur the boundary between reality and fantasy and use fantasy and the manipulation of desire to make money for the manufacturer. Although it all seems to be "fun" it is really serious "business" underneath the surface. This innovative signification system may be viewed as an example today of how products placements in entertainment intertwine commerce with play.