.. Created by Adam Cunnningham on Sat May 28 2016. **Week 4: September 19 - 23** ============================= Loading Numerical Data from Files --------------------------------- Numerical data often needs to be loaded from a file for further processing and display. We learn how this can be done using NumPy. Mauna Loa CO\ :sub:`2` Data --------------------------- Carbon dioxide measurements have been made daily at an observatory on the Mauna Loa volcano on Hawaii island since 1958. We obtain, load and plot `this data `_. Simple Linear Regression ------------------------ The problem of finding a model which best fits a set of points arises naturally when we study the Mauna Loa CO\ :sub:`2` data. We explore what a "good fit" means and how to find one. Jupyter Notebook ---------------- - IPython "magics": %timeit and %%timeit Python ------ - More plotting options NumPy ----- NumPy is the standard package for numerical computing in Python. It uses a new container for numerical data - the ndarray - that supports fast and efficient computation. NumPy also defines routines for accessing and manipulating these arrays. - Array creation - Array operations - Vectorization - Multi-dimensional arrays - Array indexing and slicing - **loadtxt** - **mean** Quiz 3: Markdown and LaTeX -------------------------- - Headers - Formatting text - Mathematical expressions :download:`Sample Quiz 3 <../Quizzes/Quiz3Sample.pdf>` Report 3 -------- :doc:`mauna_loa`