.. Created by Adam Cunnningham on Fri June 3 2016. **Primitive Pythagorean Triples** ================================= *Pythagorean triples* are positive integer solutions :math:`(a, b, c)` to the equation :math:`a^2 + b^2 = c^2`. *Primitive Pythagorean Triples* are those for which :math:`a`, :math:`b`, and :math:`c` are relatively prime (have no common divisor greater than 1). Report Description ------------------ Do the following exercises first to write the functions needed for the rest of the report: **Exercise 1.** Write a function ``mygcd(a, b)`` that returns the greatest common divisor of two integers `a` and `b`. **Exercise 2.** Write a function ``is_square(x)`` that returns `True` if :math:`x` is a perfect square and `False` otherwise. Once you have these functions tested and working: - Generate all Primitive Pythagorean Triples for :math:`a, b \leq 5000` (Just generate them - you don't need to print them all out.) - See if there is any discernible structure in the PPTs. - Write a report containing your results and conclusions. .. hint:: - Use ``mygcd(a, b) == 1`` to check if `a` and `b` are relatively prime. - Use ``is_square()`` to test if :math:`a^2 + b^2` is a perfect square. - Generate graphs using Matplotlib **plot** to look for patterns. .. note:: *Look* at the Primitive Pythagorean Triples as well by printing some out. Are there any kinds of mathematical regularity that you can see? Can you find reasons for any of these regularities? .. tip:: - Test for small numbers first, maybe :math:`a, b \leq 100`. Make sure the code is working on these small numbers first before moving on to bigger numbers. - It's a good idea to use **print** statements inside your functions to check that code is working as expected. For example, printing out `a` and `b` inside the **while** loop in your ``mygcd`` function will show the algorithm working step-by-step. These statements can be commented out later using #. - Test the ``mygcd`` and ``is_square`` functions on their own first before generating the Primitive Pythagorean Triples.