Reading Group in Cultural Studies of Space

The Reading Group in Cultural Studies of Space is an interdisciplinary research workshop, funded by the UB Humanities Institute, that meets to discuss social, historical, and material constructions of space. We reject any notion of space as a static object or category, and instead focus on dynamic interactions between space, time, objects, and subjects.


2009-2010 Academic Year

To join our email list and receive all our latest announcements and readings, please contact Colleen Culleton ( or Justin Read ( to be added to the Group's UBLearns site.



Carla Mazzio (English, UB), "Geometry and the Space of Affect," based on her chapter, "The Three-Dimensional Self."

MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2009. 904 CLEMENS. 4:00pm.


2009-10 MEETINGS

Hershini Young (English, UB): discussion of Katherine McKittrick's Demonic Grounds: Black Women and the Cartographies of Struggle (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2006)

David Schmid (English, UB), "From the Locked Room to the Globe: Space in Crime Fiction."

Elizabeth Otto, "A 'Schooling of the Senses': Post-Dada Visual Experiments in the Bauhaus Photomontages of László Moholy-Nagy and Marianne Brandt." New German Critique 107, Vol. 36, Summer 2009: 89-131.


2008-2009 Readings :

Liam Kennedy, Race and Urban Space in American Culture.

Doreen Massey, For Space

Jeffrey B. Wagman and David B. Miller, "Nested Reciprocities: The Organism-Environment System in Perception-Action and Development." Developmental Psychobiology 42.4 (2003): 317-334.

Martin Heidegger, "Building Dwelling Thinking".

Tom Conley, The Self-Mde Map: Cartographic Writing in Early Modern France.

Carolina Mortimer-Sandilands, "Landscape, Memory, and Forgetting: Thinking Through (My Mother's) Body and Place."


2007-2008 Readings:

Edward Soja, Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Theory

Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space

Yi-Fu Tuan, Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes, and Values

Marc Augé, Non-Places

Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space

Michel de Certeau, “Walking in the City”

Manuel Castells, “The Space of Flows” from The Rise of the Network Soceity

Richard Lloyd, Neo-Bohemia: Art and Commerce in the Post-Industrial City

Michel Foucault, “The Incorporation of the Hospital into Modern Technology”

Mikhail Bakhtin, “Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel”